All Posts, The Evening Paper

THE EVENING PAPER Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Evening

    Judges' travails in both Kenya and Nigeria, even as Trump addresses the UN assembly on North Korea and tidings on Mexico City's earthquake rule the world news this evening. Report compilers: Tina Fey in London and Timothy Wahome in Nairobi. Africa papers this evening In Kenya, Reuters reports that the Supreme Court has… Continue reading THE EVENING PAPER Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Evening

All Posts, The Evening Paper

Headlining papers in seven continents this evening

  With presidential polls-to-be and inaugurations undergoing in Africa and south-east Asia respectively, the Evening Paper today presents news from other evening newspapers from around the globe. Report compilers: Tina Fey and Timothy Wahome. Africa news headlines Nairobi today evening: The Standard newspaper reports that even despite an aborted meet between rival presidential candidates with… Continue reading Headlining papers in seven continents this evening

All Posts, The Evening Paper

Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Evening

      As the United States marked 16 years since 9/11 this morning Eastern Time, Hurricane Irma rages in Western Florida even as Brexit deportees by numbers climb five times since 2010. William Lapoda and Timothy Wahome compile tonight's Evening Paper report. In Africa's evening paper…. In Tanzania, the city of Dar-es-Salaam is set… Continue reading Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Evening

All Posts, The Evening Paper

THE EVENING PAPER Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Weekend Evening

    Tina Fey in London and Timothy Wahome in Nairobi compile the Weekend Evening Paper's report from across seven continents. Hurricane Irma still tops the headlines and Equifax data breach has the US and Canada eating their luck. Africa weekend headlines After months of negotiations, Kenya Airways has finally landed a direct US flight… Continue reading THE EVENING PAPER Headlining Papers in Seven Continents This Weekend Evening